Organic agriculture in the UK has some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world. From free-range chickens to grass-fed beef, when you choose to purchase organic food, you can be sure that all animals are treated with the highest of care.
The pigs at Eastbrook Farm are all looked after under the Soil Association organic standards. This means that there are several rules and regulations that we must abide by, in order to keep our pigs as happy as possible. For instance, pigs raised under organic standards cannot undergo painful mutilations such as tail docking, teeth cutting, and having nose rings fitted. Pigs raised under organic standards are also weaned at a much later stage as our piglets stay with mum until they are 8 weeks of age. This allows the piglets to be more comfortable and develop at a natural pace, which helps to reduce stress and disease among the group.
Furthermore, the use of farrowing crates is banned under organic standards and are never used here at Eastbrook Farm. Farrowing crates are small metal cages that are used to restrict a sow’s movement when she gives birth, which severely restricts a sows maternal and motherly instincts. Instead, our pigs are given plenty of room and space for the sows and piglets to bond in a stress-free environment. To find out more about our beloved pigs at Eastbrook Farm, take a look here.
You can also come and see our happy pigs at Eastbrook Farm for yourself, by booking a farm tour with Eastbrook Experiences. Click here for more information.
Soil Association Standards
There are Soil Association organic standards for all animals reared on organic farms. These standards include:
- A diet that is as free as possible from any genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) and imported feeds.
- The animals must not routinely be given antibiotics and wormers, the animals are only given medicines if they are ill and when this is necessary.
- Animals must have plenty of access to fresh pastures with lots of light and space to ensure that they live a truly free-range life.
- Animals must only graze on organic pastures where only natural fertilisers are used and the use of pesticides have been severely restricted.
To find out more information about animal welfare and the Soil Association, take a look here: