Go Organic have launched ARC 2031. This is research revealing catastrophic extinction about to happen within the next 10 years. 40% of our 1 million insect species are teetering on the brink, and human activities are to blame.
ARC 2031 unveils 10 precious native species most at risk of vanishing from our shores. This is due to industrialisation of food production and excessive use of harmful pesticides.
This list includes some of the nation’s most beloved creatures. Saving these animals is simple and easy. Swap a few of your products in your regular shop to organic. This means you are supporting those businesses, farmers and producers working with nature to protect our wildlife, biodiversity and care for our planet.
Organic is designed to respect nature and takes a balanced approach, using natural methods to create and maintain healthy soils, take care of animals and support more wildlife, rather than the overuse of less natural interventions like pesticides which have contributed to the steep decline of the Arc 2031 species, edging them towards extinction.
ARC 2031
- Grey Partridge
- Corn Bunting
- Grey Long-eared Bat
- Hedgehog
- Essex Skipper
- Small Skipper
- Garden Bumblebee
- Hoverfly
- Necklace Ground Beetle
- Hop Flea Beetle
Here at Eastbrook, we are so lucky to nearly have all of these on the ARC 2031 list. It just goes to show that farming organic really does help the environment and wildlife. Want to read more about the wildlife at Eastbrook? Follow the link to read about Traffic Lights and Canines.