“Of all the benefits I love about organic farming – the wildlife, the landscape, the delicious food – what motivates me more than anything is allowing our animals to have as good a life as possible.”
Helen Browning

Dairy cows
The farm is predominately dairy, as the next generation (my daughter Sophie and her husband, Dai) are taking over the reins. We have two dairy herds, one on the lower land just below the village, the other high on the Ridgeway at Starveal, both with their own milking parlour; about 500 cows in total, plus lots of young calves and heifers.

Our Saddleback sows have a special place in my heart. So much of my life has been spent learning, then championing a better life for these intelligent creatures. If we want to eat meat, then we should ensure that animals not only avoid suffering, but have some fun too.

Our ‘Good Beef’ range is from cows that have been born and raised on the pastures here at Eastbrook Farm. At the end of a productive dairy life, the cows are retired and allowed to rest and graze naturally before being sent off for beef.
Besides supporting a circular food system in line with our ethical aims, retired dairy beef (or Basque beef, as it is known when from Spain) is renowned for a serious amount of flavour and marvellous marbling of fat from a healthy active life on grass meadows.