The Good Business Charter is a simple accreditation which organisations in the UK can sign up to in recognition of responsible business practices.
It measures behaviour over 10 components: real living wage, fairer hours and contracts, employee well-being, employee representation, diversity and inclusion, environmental responsibility, paying fair tax, commitment to customers, ethical sourcing, and prompt payment.
An organisation must meet all 10 commitments to receive GBC accreditation.
Eastbrook Farm Organic Meats – Our commitments
Environmental Responsibility
Eastbrook Farm Organic Meats promotes and encourages the development of good environmental and net zero practices. We continuously seek ways to minimise our carbon footprint, our committed employees subscribe to this policy, and we strive to influence our suppliers and customers to do the same.
Our organisation has a deep connection with the natural environment that is driven by our team. The mission statement “LIVE FOR TODAY – FARM FOR TOMORROW” is a commitment to sustainable farming by protecting the land and working in harmony with the farm animals, people, and the wildlife.
The culture of organic food is based on principles that are not compromised from soil to plate. The product is as important as to how it got there.
Prompt Payment
We are a member of The Prompt Payment Code.
Recycling & Food Waste
To reduce food waste we have joined the ‘Too Good to Go’ campaign, which aims to reduce food waste by selling surplus, unsold food as ‘magic bags’. Magic Bags are any food that is close to its Best Before date.
The meat box packaging we use is either recyclable or reusable. Any of the cardboard is recyclable, the freezer packs are great to reuse again, and the wool wrap is compositable. We are always looking for ways to make our meat box packaging even more sustainable.
Our packaging for our products, is recyclable where possible. We are constantly evaluating our packaging to see if a better alternative is available. You might have noticed our packing changing for our bacon – this is because the packaging is now recyclable.
Any food waste we’ve got that is not going in magic bags is donated to FairShare.