Little Owls Photography Hide now taking bookings

 News from ProHides  – The temporary hide has been set up to photograph a pair of resident Little Owls and their young utilising an old farmhouse as part of their territory. Only one of the pair at a time is currently visiting the site but we expect the fledgelings to be visiting in the coming weeks (early July onwards)

The site has a number of preset posts and perching areas that the owls frequent as well as a beautiful old window frame the owls are often spotted resting in.

The hide itself is a pop-up hide with space for two photographers and seating provided. This hide is not insulated but is weather resistant.  There are no toilet facilities at this hide and you will be required to stay in the hide until you are collected at the end of your session.

Your booking can either be made solo – where you may be joined by another photographer booking separately – or as a duo – where you get the hide to yourself or to share with anyone you bring with you.

Assisted sessions are also available where I will stay with you throughout your visit and be able to top-up supplementary food and advise you on technical elements and behavioural aspects of the owls. This should be booked in addition via this page

As the location is next to a working dairy we are limited with access slots for this hide and all bookings will run from 17:00 till sunset.







Get ahead of the queues.

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