Every year probably in excess of 1000 people enjoy this remarkably diverse farm and all it offers. Some walk, some take a quick trip to the pigs, some lie down in fields and, quite rightly, do absolutely nothing for an hour or so. We should all do it more often.
We’re now combining everything—the pigs, the cows and calves, the landscapes, the wildlife—deer, owls, badgers, flora and fauna generally, although not all of it appears on cue—the photography hides, the woodlands that Helen has planted. The Roman villa, hidden below the skyline. And more as you come across it. Our colleague James Andrews, expert at wildlife photography among other skills, will lead the ‘Safari’ tours, in the red land rover; open to everyone, and priced at £60 for up to four people and £90 for 5-8 peeps, about 2 hours. Great for families, groups of friends, business groups. Learn as much or as little as you wish. Walk back if you want the exercise. Add lunch or supper (or breakfast) at the pub. Check our website Eastbrook Experiences for dates, and other booking details.