Pig: Tales (hardback)


PIG: tales from an organic farm is a book written by Helen Browning and Tim Finney (her partner in life and in business). The story follows a group of piglets and their mother from birth, it makes a very interesting read for anyone with an interest in the origins of their food. Hardback.


This is a Christmas Preorder

Your pre-order will be ready shortly before Christmas for delivery to your doorstep, or available to collect from the Farm Shop (adjacent to the Royal Oak, Bishopstone). We will be in touch to confirm dates nearer the time. If you wish to order for delivery straightaway, please go here.

Reviews include…

“From the moment I picked this book up, I couldn’t put it down. Food for thought, quite literally! And, the pig racing chapter had me roaring with laughter. A must read for anyone with morals and values.”

“What a wonderful read. The lovely visual language helped me imagine being tucked up with the pigs. The importance of provenance, animal welfare and quite possibly the reality of reducing our meat intake was very thought provoking. What a lovely book.”

“A must-read, no matter who you are. grows a deeper appreciation for stewardship, thoughtfulness around our relationships to animals, land, wildlife, and the food systems in which we participate, all against the backdrop of climate crisis. written vividly and honestly, and left me inspired & in awe.”

Additional information

Weight .250 kg