Two full time jobs and a house available, for a couple who wish for rewarding and skilled work in our organic pub, restaurant, hotel, shop and farm and food growing business in Wiltshire
About us
We feed and look after about 500 people over 7 days each week. We grow most of the food here at Eastbrook Farm – most of the meat, dairy and vegetables, plus wheat for bread and pastries, some honey, fruit and nuts. Our whole business comprises a community of about 40 people full and part time, many of them living here in the village; with specific work in this area ranging from growing and harvesting food,to preparing it and serving it at table, plus help with hotel guests.
The main job we are offering is a middle ranking to senior chef role, taking a fair share of responsibility for kitchen management, food preparation and hands on service. We offer a short menu of evolving seasonal fresh food, very lightly processed, working with a team of 6 full and part time people.
The other role is probably more junior kitchen work; plus helping in all other areas including veg growing and harvesting, working with the head of veg; housekeeping with a team of three; front of house work with a team of 10; plus foraging on the farm at various times of year. Both roles will suit people who are mentally and physically flexible, who are able to change jobs and roles at short notice, depending on what’s needed.
We are offering a three bed warm and dry part furnished farm cottage, located centrally within the business, as part of the package. The remuneration package, including cottage, is completely open to negotiation, within reason. We seem to be regarded as a good employer of good people, regardless of race, gender, faith etc etc; many people stay with us for years, and quite a few of them come back having tried their hands elsewhere! We tend to employ based on the person/people and attitudes, establishing how they will fit into this team and this business. The skillsets are also important, but some of them can be taught or added to.
Start date
These roles are due to be available in mid/late March 2025.
Please contact us:
Tim Finney – Jo Rake – Manfred Neder
Helen Browning’s Royal Oak, Bishopstone SN6 8PP
01793 790481